Endorsements of

The 3PP Apprenticeship

The 3PP Apprenticeship is a long-term bespoke program that targets the mind to look toward the formless where wisdom resides.

“It was the BEST decision I have ever made in MY ENTIRE life.”

“I did a 6-month apprenticeship with Keith and Brett, and it was the BEST decision I have ever made in MY ENTIRE life. My conversations with them made me feel fuller, complete, open, and less “alone.”

The changes I experienced made me see life through a new set of lenses, which filled me with tremendous gratitude and joy. I became more hopeful about life, something I couldn’t attain before. Keith and Brett showed me what “reality” really is.

Their focus was on helping me get a deeper understanding of the Three Principles by sharing readings, quotes, and recordings, and clarifying misunderstandings I didn’t see I was carrying with me. I had so many written questions for them, and they replied to all of them. I now have a treasure trove of their writings, and every time I re-read them, they remind me of the power of these principles, and I was able to reconnect to what is within.

In every session, I came out more peaceful, quiet-minded, and re-energized, and I was rewarded with a deeper knowledge of what life is. I consider this gift to be priceless. I even gained “Faith” unexpectedly, which I wasn’t really seeking.

With Keith and Brett, I experienced what it was like to be heard beyond my words, and they understood me on a deep level. It was as if I had entered an open space, where anything I said was heard without having to explain what I meant. Keith and Brett got me to join them in that “open space.” I love hanging out in that space and can be there anytime, anywhere.

This apprenticeship fits everyone because no matter what I said to them, including all sorts of personal and professional challenges I went through, they always had an answer that pointed to where natural mental well-being lies via the Principles. This helped me to navigate my challenges with a healthy dose of resilience.

I can now enjoy the gift of being part of life. As Sydney Banks said, “If the only thing people learned was not to be afraid of their experience, that alone would change the world.” I am not afraid of experiences anymore, and my world has changed, all for the better.

I believe that everyone would benefit from this life-changing apprenticeship. I don’t know how I got here, but the gift of realizing true knowledge of the Three Principles means the world to me. I am so glad I found Keith and Brett, who have been extraordinary guides and supporters in these six months. I know you will, too.”

A very satisfied apprentice!

Endorsements of

The Three Principles from the Beginning

The Three Principles from the Beginning is a four-part program designed to introduce you to the Three Principles. Wisdom is found in the Three Principles, and through your insight, you connect to it.

“Life-changing on steroids.”

“This program is life-changing on steroids.”

Teresa Walding

“All is right with the world.”

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for offering this course, The Three Principles from the Beginning. I love watching the videos and will watch them over and over again.
There is something absolutely divine about Keith and Brett. When I watch them, I soften immediately, feel nothing but love, and know all is right with the world. This is worth everything.

Deborah Fern Carew

Endorsements of

Uncovering the Hidden Dimension

Uncovering the Hidden Dimension aims aims for you to encounter a dimension that few know of. It exists within Mind. You, too, can encounter this dimension. This is an ongoing membership program where we meet twice a month.

“Nurtures my soul and helps settle my mind and spirit”

Being part of “Uncovering the Hidden Dimension” nurtures my soul and helps settle my mind and spirit. I get to live and work with a quieter, clearer mind. Deeper listening happens naturally, along with increased faith in wisdom to guide me in all areas of my life.

Rita J Shuford, Ph.D.

“Experiencing more peace and clarity”

Uncovering the Hidden Dimension helped me to not take life as personally anymore. There is less “getting into, figuring things out, trying to do it better” and more seeing the impersonal nature of life, experiencing more peace and clarity, and hearing the neutrality of wisdom/ truth, which is not bound by time, space, or matter…I experience more lightness and a deeper connection, enjoying and being in each Moment.

Paola Royal

“Has impressive clarity when discussing the Three Principles”

This membership has allowed me to navigate the world with deeper insights and kindness. Through it, I have felt so much safer in my experience and have better understood how that experience is created. Keith and Brett are such warm facilitators, making learning a joy. The course is set up with a group dynamic in mind. It’s like a mini-university for the mind! I genuinely cannot recommend this membership highly enough. The content is rigorous, builds upon a foundation, and has impressive clarity when discussing the Three Principles. The guidance and kindness of these two practitioners are impeccable and have made this place feel like a home through which attendees can return to their own more significant understanding of experience.

Ella Evans

“Experiencing the Three Principles as a living understanding”

The Hidden Dimension group has been an amazing experience exploring and deepening my understanding of the Three Principles. I am experiencing the Three Principles as a living understanding in the moment rather than a construct/thought about Mind, Consciousness, and Thought. I have less thought about the Three Principles and trying to understand them.
I have noticed my mind is much quieter more often, and I feel a sense of joy in the moment. I feel less judgemental and more compassionate for myself and others.
The meetings are like being with a loving group of friends exploring life together. It is fun! The discussion is very practical and presents logic that makes sense, and I see things much more deeply.”

Frances Cox

“I can now help bring clarity to helping professionals”

I am grateful for the opportunity to continue studying with Dr. Keith Blevens and Brett Chitty. Attending the Uncovering the Hidden Dimension program has been a huge learning experience. I can scarcely articulate what I have seen.
My mind is at ease as I see things more deeply through the drawings and beyond the words. I feel a sense of calm that we can bring the science of the nursing profession to our colleagues.
As a 40-year student of The Principles, I can now help bring clarity to helping professionals who themselves will benefit and begin to share with others. A new understanding, a new compassion, and a new humility will be the hallmarks of our profession. Everyone who works with people will benefit from the work Dr. Blevens and Brett Chitty share.

Lyn McCright

“Uncovering the Hidden Dimension has upgraded my life”

I have been learning with Dr. Keith Blevens and Brett Chitty for over four years. Every time I am blessed to be in their company, my life is automatically upgraded.
One of the biggest insights from Dr. Keith’s programs was that parenting is a repetitive job, but we can do it without stress, guilt, or any other type of suffering because we have the freedom of thought to do that. When we think well of others, we feel well, and when we think ill of others, we feel ill. This one insight changed my life and my children’s lives, too.
Since then, I have shared this insight with countless parents and couples, and this alone has saved so many of them from further suffering and pain in their relationships.
Being part of the latest program, “Uncovering the Hidden Dimension,” has upgraded my life further. I now have a more profound understanding of where our feelings come from and how the Single Paradigm of Psychology transforms our relationships for good in the best way possible.

Safia Haque

“They have a genuine desire to empower others to have their own insights”

Dr. Keith Blevens and Brett Chitty are not just teachers; they are articulate, kind, and passionately dedicated to helping others grasp the depth of the Three Principles. Their commitment to bringing this knowledge to the world reflects a genuine desire to empower others to have their own insights. The way they work together brings a sense of community, care, and a shared purpose of bringing the Principles to the world. I am so grateful to be on this journey with them.

Teresa Walding

“I always leave the meetings with a deep sense of wellness”

The main thing this membership has done for me and continues to do is put me back where I was astray.
Whenever I have lost my way a bit during the week or life, listening to Keith and Brett is like a mental spa.
Things are put back in perspective, and I can confidently follow the wisdom I already sensed in everyday life.
Also, there are always deeper/new insights into our true nature. I always leave the meetings with a deep sense of wellness. And a mind wiped clean.

Nicky Peeters