Audio Recordings by Sydney Banks

Sydney Banks produced dozens of audio recordings. We have made available a few below for your listening pleasure. We hope to make available further recordings so Sydney Banks’ wisdom is no longer hidden from the world and is available for everyone.

Our True Identity by Sydney Banks

Aloha Consciousness by Sydney Banks

Wisdom by Sydney Banks

Shawnigan 1977 talk by Sydney Banks

Salt Spring Long Weekend talk by Sydney Banks

The Best of Two Worlds by Sydney Banks

Dealing with Stress and Insecurities by Sydney Banks

One Thought Away by Sydney Banks

What is Truth? by Sydney Banks

The Great Spirit by Sydney Banks

Mind, Consciousness and Thought by Sydney Banks

Thought and Mental Health by Sydney Banks

Vancouver 1985 talk, part 1 by Sydney Banks

Vancouver 1985 talk, part 2 by Sydney Banks

Thought and Alcoholism by Sydney Banks