The Hidden Dimension
There is a dimension of life that few know about. It has Wisdom, Mental Health, Resilience, Creativity, Love, Quietude, and Confidence all built-in, ready for you to experience.
Within Your Mind
Surprisingly, this hidden dimension isn’t “out there,” it’s within your mind. Once you realize this new direction, experiencing the gifts of the Hidden Dimension is now a genuine possibility.
The Mystical Bridge
There is a mystical bridge called the Principle of Thought that connects you to this hidden dimension. We aim to give you the “eyes” to see this bridge so you can walk into the hidden dimension and claim your inheritance.
“At the age of forty-two, I had the most astounding good fortune to stumble on the secret of life itself. In a split second, the world beyond this physical world of form was revealed to me, and suddenly I was witness to a dimension beyond time, space, and matter. The intriguing thing is that I had done nothing whatsoever to study or practice for such an experience. In fact, I had no idea that such a reality existed.”
What is Uncovering the Hidden Dimension about?
Keith and Brett discuss uncovering the Hidden Dimension and what it can do for you. Click on the short videos to get a sense of the direction Keith and Brett are pointing to.
Part 1 – Uncovering the Hidden Dimension
Part 2 – It’s not just the Biological, it’s also the Spiritual.
Part 3 – A Quiet Mind is a Genuine Possibility.
Part 4 – No doing, willpower, or techniques needed.
Part 5 – The Hidden Dimension’s impact on Relationships
Part 6 – Our Immense Gratitude for the Hidden Dimension.
“Nurtures my soul and helps settle my mind and spirit.”
Being part of “Uncovering the Hidden Dimension” nurtures my soul and helps settle my mind and spirit. I get to live and work with a quieter, clearer mind. Deeper listening happens naturally, along with increased faith in wisdom to guide me in all areas of my life.
Rita J Shuford, Ph.D.
President, Three Principles Hawai’i, LLC.

“Experiencing more peace and clarity.”
Uncovering the Hidden Dimension helped me to not take life as personally anymore. There is less “getting into, figuring things out, trying to do it better” and more seeing the impersonal nature of life, experiencing more peace and clarity, and hearing the neutrality of wisdom/ truth, which is not bound by time, space, or matter…I experience more lightness and a deeper connection, enjoying and being in each Moment.
Paola Royal,
3 Principles Coach.
“The instant this precious gift was bestowed upon me, I found many profound answers to things that humanity has been seeking since the beginning of time – answers to questions propounded in the fields of psychology, psychiatry, philosophy, physics, eastern mysticism, and everyday people who are looking for something to enhance their lives.”
Your Guides
Keith Blevens, Ph.D., and Brett Chitty.
There will be two one-hour meetings per month. They will occur on the first and third Thursdays at 10 a.m. PT and will be a maximum of one hour.
The Hidden Dimension is available for anyone to walk into.

Keith Blevens, Ph.D.
Keith is a Three Principles educator, trainer, and consultant to executives, businesses, organizations, individuals, couples, and families for over 40 years.

Brett Chitty
Brett specializes in assisting you in realizing transformative wisdom via the Three Principles of Mind, Consciousness, and Thought.
“Uncovering The Hidden Dimension is the absolute supreme secret to all problems in the universe.”
“The purpose of realizing there is a Hidden Dimension is to connect you to your Divine Inheritance, a universal intelligence and wisdom that need no longer remain dormant.

Access to Recordings
Any member gets access to the recordings, many of which are transcribed and are searchable.
Plus, the recordings are organized to help you get started. There is a sense of direction that creates a solid foundation.

Two Live Zoom Meetings per month with Keith and Brett
Take part in live meetings where you can enjoy a very relaxing, exciting, and insightful exploration into the treasures of the Hidden Dimension.

Access to the Private Community
Upon becoming a member, you will be enrolled in a private community where you can share your progress, comment, ask questions, and share your insights. You can also connect with Keith, Brett, and other members there.
“I am so grateful to be on this journey with them.”
Dr. Keith Blevens and Brett Chitty are not just teachers; they are articulate, kind, and passionately dedicated to helping others grasp the depth of the Three Principles. Their commitment to bringing this knowledge to the world reflects a genuine desire to empower others to have their own insights. The way they work together brings a sense of community, care, and a shared purpose of bringing the Principles to the world. I am so grateful to be on this journey with them.
Teresa Walding RN.

“Experiencing more peace and clarity.”
I am grateful for the opportunity to continue studying with Dr. Keith Blevens and Brett Chitty.
Attending the Uncovering the Hidden Dimension program has been a huge learning experience for me. I can scarcely articulate what I have seen.
My mind is at ease as I see things more deeply through the drawings and beyond the words. I feel a sense of calm that we can bring the science of the nursing profession to our colleagues.
As a 40-year student of The Principles, I can now help bring clarity to helping professionals who themselves will benefit and begin to share with others. A new understanding, a new compassion, and a new humility will be the hallmarks of our profession.
Everyone who works with people will benefit from the work Dr. Blevens and Brett Chitty share.
Lyn McCright. MPH. RN, HWNC-BC., and 3P HealthCare International Community.
$30 / month
2 live webinars a month. Recordings from all completed webinars.
No commitment – cancel and rejoin anytime.