The Miracle of Separate Realities

Realizing a state of love and true understanding as you relate to others

A 4-part program with Brett Chitty and Keith Blevens exploring the wonderful delights Separate Realities can offer us.

All realities are unique to the individual

You have your own reality, and everyone else has their own reality. There are lots of realities happening all at the same time!

All realities are independent of each other

Your reality is the only one you see, and others can only see their reality. This opens exploration and discovery of other realities.

The space to learn what is in other people’s realities

As you share your realities, you realize that every person has a world to explore, we relate meaningfully and heart-fully.

The Miracle of Separate Realities

Realizing a state of love and true understanding as you relate to others

A 4-part program with Brett Chitty and Keith Blevens exploring the wonderful delights Separate Realities can offer us.

All realities are unique to the individual

You have your own reality, and everyone else has their own reality. There are lots of realities happening all at the same time!

All realities are independent of each other

Your reality is the only one you see, and others can only see their reality. This opens exploration and discovery of other realities.

The space to learn what is in other people’s realities

As you share your realities, you realize that every person has a world to explore, we relate meaningfully and heart-fully.

Program Overview

There are four core tenets to realizing Separate Realities and the delightful wisdom it offers.

Part 1: What Creates Reality?

Understanding Separate Realities always begins with the source, or principles, which are required to create realities.

Sydney Banks uncovered the Three Principles – Mind, Thought, and Consciousness – which create every reality.

Sydney proposed to increase the accuracy and simplicity of reality by transferring to the Three Principles many psychological functions previously attributed to the “outside” or “form” such as people, circumstances, events, to name but a few.

As reality can now be attributed to the Three Principles, there is a extraordinary piece of knowledge that is no longer secret: reality takes place within Mind, and not “outside.” Wisdom is also within Mind, so we now have a bridge between wisdom and reality.

This allows us to have a scientific foundation in which to realize the gifts and wisdom of what Separate Realities can offer us.

Part 2: How are Realities Separate?

An investigation into these Three Principles that create reality finally explains why and how we navigate through life. No reality, no life. It is a seminal moment in the history of humankind to finally know what creates reality.

As every reality is created on an individual basis, and that all realities are independent of each other, it becomes logical to say the all realities are separate from each other. Hence, Separate Realities.

This give us a whole new platform or dimension in which to relate and interact with another person, a platform based on impersonal principles instead of good ideas. We have the opportunity to use these principles wisely, making what was previously invisible that is now readily apparent in our realities.

As a result of realizing that all realities are separate, we have the opportunity to bring about in ourselves a state of love and true understanding because there are no means for other people’s reality to take away your wisdom. This fundamentally changes how we see and hear others, as if we are meeting others for the first time. Metaphorically speaking, the dirt on the windscreen has been wiped away and we see with more clarity.

Part 3: The Implications of Separate Realities

As Separate Realities are a result of the Three Principles, there will be life-changing implications. These implications enlighten us with a new understanding of how we psychologically function as we experience realities. We become wiser because these implications force us to drop good ideas and instead take on a deeper understanding that allows for wisdom to come into our realities.

New possibilities emerge that were previously invisible to us. We become more impersonal in our interactions. We experience a richer and quieter mind as a result of having knowing there’s wisdom within the Three principles.

Today, new implications of Separate Realities are continuing to be uncovered. As wisdom is infinite, there’s no end to exploring the wonder of Separate Realities.

Part 4: The By-Products of Separate Realities

Realizing the implications of Separate Realities have far-reaching by-products for how we are being. We begin to experience surprising realities that does more for us than what we could imagine.

We begin to look at others in a nicer and kinder light. We hear what others say with wisdom instead of intellectually. We understand why people do what they do with compassion and without losing our bearings.

Putting it all together, we relate to others in a brand new reality, leaving the old tired realities behind. When we change at a fundamental, principle-based level, our realities inevitably change. This means the people within our realities change too, because we’ve made room for the spiritual to be instilled in ourselves. We see life with a great deal more common sense, love, understanding, and connection.

The Three Principles and the creation of Separate Realities is an extraordinary gift. With an insight into these Principles, you too, can be a recipient of this gift.

Part 1: What Creates Reality?

There are Three Principles that create reality for each and every one of us.

Putting all Three Principles together as one give us this Reality Formula as written by Sydney Banks:

Mind + Thought + Consciousness = Reality

Part 2: How are realities separate?

The Reality Formula is what everybody uses to create their own personal reality every moment.

Part 3: The Implications of Separate Realities

When you have insight realizing Separate Realities, it opens up profound implications. These implications evolves our understanding of realities, making us wiser and more intelligent at our use of the Three Principles.

Part 4: The By-Products of Separate Realities

There are many delightful benefits for the human experience as a result of realizing Separate Realities.

Your Guides

Keith Blevens, Ph.D., and Brett Chitty.

Keith Blevens, Ph.D.

Keith is a Three Principles educator, trainer, and consultant to executives, organizations, individuals, couples, and families for over 40 years.

Brett Chitty

Brett specializes in assisting you in realizing transformative wisdom via the Three Principles of Mind, Consciousness, and Thought.

Program Dates

All meetings begin at 10 am PT, 1 pm ET, 6 pm BST, 7 pm CEST.
Each meeting will be approximately 90 minutes.

Class #1

Establishing The Reality Formula

Class #2

How Realities are Separate

Class #3

The Implications of Separate Realities

Class #4

The By-Products of Separate Realities

Group Sharing

Participants share their insights

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The Miracle of Separate Realities

The more you realize how all realities are separate, the more inspiring relating to others become.


While there are many topics, all topics are governed by a single underlying foundation – The Three Principles of Mind, Thought, and Consciousness – which give rise to Separate Realities. Therefore, there’s only one thing to learn and have insight into, that will completely and utterly transform the way we relate to others. The four parts of this program above are all connected as one, as one part cannot exist without the other three.

We covered the Reality Formula in our ‘pay what you want’ 4-part program called ‘The Three Principles from the Beginning.‘ We consider it a brilliant introduction to uncovering a platform for wisdom to come to you. However, in that program, we said little about Separate Realities. It became apparent to us from the messages we received, people wanted to learn more about how this Reality Formula plays out in interactions between people. Recognizing the popular request, we designed a program to support that curiosity. Therefore, we consider this program, The Miracle of Separate Realities‘ an extension of the original program, with a strong emphasis of how people interact with each other. The programs are not the same, even if it’s based on the same Reality Formula by Sydney Banks. It’s also why we recommend doing the The Three Principles from the Beginning‘ program first, so you can have a foundation of how realities are created, which will, in turn, accelerate and deepen your understanding of Separate Realities.

$100 USD to enroll.

Yes, you don’t have to participate in the meetings. Enrolling will give you access to the recordings, which are usually uploaded within 48 hours.

Yes. This program offers 6 hours of education. We are grateful to Lyn McCright and Teresa Walding for providing a facility to earn CEUs, especially in the Three Principles. You can apply for 6 hours of CEUs for a fixed fee of $60. The link to purchase will be made available after the conclusion of the fourth meeting.

We have a private forum/community area where you can write questions. To make the most of your time in the program, you’ll have the support of a community, including Keith and Brett. Alternatively, you can email us, and we will endeavor to respond in a timely fashion.

Brett is our resident support guy for anything related to the Three Principles Psychology website. He’d be happy to help!